Senin, 13 Desember 2010


More than 15 years is a long journey for a kind of Power Metal Rock group that survived and still exist. No different than most other bands, the way this music group also experienced a tidal wave.

In the midst of the popularity and charisma as a Heavy Metal band, it turns out this group is often shaken by internal problems that occur in their bodies, such as frequent change of personnel. In fact, nearly three years this band echo less heard from again. Until finally there is speculation that this group had dispersed. It turns out speculation the news is not true. Power Metal is not broke, and still exist. Only had time to vacuum only.

After a long vacuum, Rock group from Surabaya is trying to re-exist in blantika Music Rock Indonesia. Precisely in the middle of a vacuum was used to prepare their new album. With the release of an album titled Mask-Mask Wrath (2002), as well be the answer to that Power Metal is still exist, and remain solid. How is the development of Power Metal itself is not separated from the dynamics which also adds to the group's career of former champion Indonesian Rock Festival V-Log version Zhelebour, 1989.

Group band called Power inception, since September 1987 changed the name to be Power Metal, with the formation Pungky Deaz (vocals), Ipunk (guitar), Hendrix Sanada (bass), Raymond Ariasz (keyboards), and Mugix Adam (drums). As the name Power Metal, this name change as well as to proclaim themselves so wing Heavy Metal Rock band.

Before exploring the world of recording, in the group stage action is often brought the songs of Metallica, Anthrax, Helloween, Loudness or Yngwie J. Malmsteen.

Not even a year is formed, this band has shown quite encouraging achievements, among others, won first prize keherhasilannya Rock Youth Festival in East Java in Lumajang (1987). Followed the next year increased to the first winner Rock Festival in Kediri, Java (1988). This achievement is considered not enough, there's still one event festival that became the target, namely Rock Festival-Indonesia - Log Zhelebour her.

"It's one of our obsession," recalled Raymond, about the success of winning the Power Metal Rock Festival-Indonesia V (1989) In addition to a champion, Hendrix Sanada also selected as The Best Bassist. "Once participate directly be champion," Raymond said with pride. "At that time we did not expect could be a champion," added Ipunk.

Bands that are considered closest rival when it is Andromedha (Surabaya), Emperor (Solo) and Roxx (Jakarta). Its victory is well into the early career through the world of Power Metal recording.

As a promoter cum producer, Log Zhelebour did not promise the band's first champion Rock Festival-Indonesia live album recording contract signature. It is merely recorded in the 10 Finalists compilation album Rock Festival-Indonesia V. While the first winner was promised a tour of 10 cities participated. Log happened at that time preparing for a show tour Rakasasa God Bless (1990).

In addition to Power Metal, this tour is also accompanied by God Bless Elpamas and Mel Shandy. In the midst of preparation for the tour, rocked by the departure Pungky Power Metal, then followed Hendrix Sanada. Obviously this makes the remaining personnel chaotic search for a vocalist and Bass player, substitute Pungky and Hendrix. "We immediately looked at Arul, vocalist Big Boys of Banjarmasin," says Raymond. Finally Arul has ever been named as the Best Vocalist at the Festival Rock se Indonesia V-Pungky.Tinggal replace bass player, not yet. While players can not stay, eventually wear additional musician, among them the name Oracle and Didiet Shaksana Roy. After the tour, eventually recording an offer came from Log Zhelebour.

During the preparations to make an album Arul et al quarantined in a villa in the area of ​​Malang - East Java. "Almost a month we are quarantined to make the song," recalls vocalist Power Metal. Once the song material was ready, they returned distraught who became bass player. While they must immediately enter the studio. Finally digaet Prass Haddy, bass player in the band Pelni. Due to be bound by the job, his position to help limited recording until the album came out. With mature enough preparation, their recording process go smoothly.

With the formation Arul Efansyah (vocals), Ipunk (guitar), Prass Haddy (bass), Raymond Ariasz (keyboards), and Mugix Adam (drums), Power Metal successfully completed her first album titled Power One (1991), which is released under the flag Logiss Records. Through this his debut album, Power Metal straight shot into orbit round the top rock groups which began to be taken into account. At least the popularity of power metal band is lined with senior alumni Rock Festival-Indonesia, such as Elpamas and Grass Rock.

And Power One of this album received favorable than Rockers Mania. This album itself has produced a number of hits, among them self-centered, One Soul, Confessions Love and Shadows. In addition to two other songs, namely Catastrophe and Cita in mid-May. The success of this album is also followed by the election of Power Metal won the award for Best Newcomer at the event BASF Awards 1991.

Cassette album sales figures alone Power One time it sold over 300 thousand copies. A sales figures are pretty fantastic for a heavy metal rock group wing. While the rock group that can penetrate new figure God Bless, through the album Black Ants (1989). Power Metal re-signing second album.

In the midst of preparing a second album, Ipunk resign, and replace by Lucky Setyo W, Andromedha Rock Band guitarist who is also the Best Guitaris at Rock Festival-Indonesia V. Finally they have successfully completed a second album titled Power Demons (1993), which is then followed by another album, Wolves (1995), and the Yule Ball (1996).

Again and again in the midst of preparing the cultivation of the next album, there are problems in the internal body of Power Metal, which ended with the resignation of Raymond and Mugix. Meanwhile, Power Metal should be pursued targets to prepare a new album again. To fill that void, eventually ditariklah Ekko Dinaya (drums) and James Ireng (keyboards). With a vengeance and all abilities Lucky cs try to maintain charisma Power Metal with the release of the album Peace, Love & War (1999). Although the material in terms of musicality of this album is pretty good. But unfortunately this album was again less fortunate in the market.

Shortly after the album release this album, Power Metal slowly disappear from the stage bingarnya noise-rock music. No wonder if in the middle of a vacuum that appeared speculative news that this group disbanded. Until finally emerged from the owner Power Metal initiative is to recall invited Raymond to fix more Power Metal. Among others by getting back Ipunk join in Power Metal, replacing the position Setyo W Lucky, who resigned. This opportunity is then used to consolidate in order to find a formula prepared Power Metal music in her new album later. "To be sure, I'm with other personnel have the same desire to lift the back charisma Power Metal. That's what we all so obsessed, "continued Raymond.

After going through a long process finally completed the album Power Metal-7, Mask-Mask Wrath, which the recording process until the mixing was done at Studio-Natural-Surabaya. Mastering the process of its being done at Studio 301, Sydney - Australia. Cultivation process of this album really took a long time, almost 2 years. Despite frequent change of personnel, it did not reduce the solidity Power Metal that is now reinforced Arul Efansyah (vocals), Ipunk (guitar), Endro (bass), Raymond Ariasz (keyboards), and Eko Dinoyo (drums) to exist. "This is the formation tersolid", said Raymond Ipunk and almost simultaneously, commenting on the formation of new Power Metal which was said to have prepared this combat. In addition to longer gabungnya old people, such as Raymond and Ipunk, the formation of new Power Metal also reinforced a new face, Endro, former bassist Red Spider. Besides Ekko Dinaya, former Dramer eclips already joined first in the album Peace, Love & War.

With this new formation is ready to hit the back Power Metal Rock Heavy Metal music scene. Beginning last August, the group never mendamping Sepultura Rock (1992) and Halloween (2004) during a gig in Surabaya, has merampung recording of the 8th album, titled KebesaranMu


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