Rabu, 09 Februari 2011


Cool & innovative design with everything you need to stay synchronized
* The touch screen AMOLED Black Light 4 "and QWERTY
     * Email office and personal real-time
     * Map with free GPS navigation
     * Camera 8 MP and HD video
     * fully integrated social network


       Your mobile office
           * Real-time Push Email with Mail for Exchange.
           * Easy access to work email account and personal email from the same display.
           * Create, edit and share office documents and view PDF files with Adobe Reader.
           * Get access to fast and secure intranet with VPN installed.
           * Set your calendar and sync with Microsoft Outlook.
    2. Personal communication unbroken
           * Get a direct email from Hotmail, Yahoo, Gmail, Ovi Mail and others.
           * Chat through multiple IM services - Windows Messenger, Chat Ovi and others.
           * Live updates from Facebook and Twitter on the front screen.
           * Update your status across all social networks at once simultaneously.
           * Follow your percapakan trit chat easily with SMS.
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    Touch screen and QWERTY

         * Made of aluminum plated with glass AMOLED screen for better viewing outdoors.
         * Everything looks crystal clear on the touch screen 4 "high quality.
         * a full touch screen that can be tilted at a natural angle for optimal viewing.
         * Close the fingers to enlarge or touch-drag to scroll on web pages.
         * Slide the screen to open the QWERTY keyboard - ideal for fast typing.
  2. Applications for business, security and travel

         * Ovi Maps with lifetime free GPS navigation and voice guidance.
         * Keep your critical data remains protected by F-Secure Anti-Theft for Mobile.
         * Instruct the phone to do something with Vlingo, voice recognition applications.
         * Keep track of flight schedules and be informed of schedule changes with the application of World Traveler.
         * Various application on Ovi Store - business, messaging, entertainment, and others.
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    Photos and high-quality entertainment

         * Capture high-resolution photos and HD video with 8 MP camera.
         * Use an HDMI cable * to watch the video and HD images on a compatible TV.
         * Watch and upload videos directly to YouTube.
         * Watch the National Geographic, CNN, BBC and other channels with Web TV upon request .**
         * Search album art and create playlists of your favorite songs.

    * Available separately at all leading electronic stores. ** The contents are available vary by region.
  4. Operated by Symbian3

         * Enjoy more than 250 new features of the operating system Symbian3.
         * Personalize the next three screens to suit your needs.
         * Control a touch screen with easier and more intuitive.
         * Multitasking without sacrificing battery life.
         * Develop your own application with ease.


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