Kamis, 24 Maret 2011

Firefox 4 Finally Released

After waiting since the beta version last year, the final version of the Firefox browser Mozilla 4 finally officially released on Tuesday (22/03/2011). This latest browser staying digadang will provide the experience of accessing the web faster, convenient, and easy to adjust the needs of 400 million users of the Mozilla browser in the world today.
"Firefox puts the user as full control of experience on the web, providing a neat appearance, new features are nice, the speed is much improved, and supports modern web technologies," wrote Mozilla team on the site.

The most obvious changes is in terms of appearance. As did the other browser developers, it looks cleaner with concise menu. Web page into the center spotlight in the middle. App Available Tabs feature, the website addresses the most frequently visited. There is also a Panorama feature to gather multiple tabs into one category for the display remain comfortable when opening multiple tabs.
However, users are still given the freedom to make arrangement with the availability of browser view feature Persona. Extensions and add on is a mainstay since the beginning enrich Firefox browser features that can be selected personally.
Speed ​​web access with Firefox 4 is claimed to six times higher than the previous version, Firefox 3.6. Combined with support for hardware-based graphical features on today's computers, this browser also supports access to rich multimedia content. This browser also has full support HTML5 technology, HD video (WebM), and 3D graphics.
This time, users are also more comfortable because of crashes in one page does not affect the other pages. When all of a sudden page being opened crashes because of Flash content, QuickTime, or Silverlight is not working perfectly, other pages can still be accessed.
Firefox 4 is available for users running Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X and is available in 80 languages ​​of instruction. In the near future, Firefox 4 will also be available in a mobile version for smartphones and Android and Maemo-based devices. Firefox 4 Mobile is currently only available in Release Candidate (RC). Firefox 4 can be downloaded free of charge at http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/fx/



cayun 4 April 2011 pukul 04.02  

Dicoba dulu ya... thank's

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