Rabu, 13 April 2011

What is Sunstroke ?

Stroke is a clinical syndrome with symptoms of a disorder of brain function locally or globally, which can cause death atay abnormalities that persist more than 24 hours, without any other cause except vascular disorders (WHO 1982). Ischemic stroke (non-hemorrhagic) is a stroke caused by blood flow to the brain stops because of atherosclerosis or a blood clot that has clogged the blood oembukuh. Stroke can affect all ages. MONICA WHO study showed that the incidence of stroke varies between 48 to 240 per 100,000 per year in the population aged 45 to 54 years. Research in the United States shows the incidence of strokes at age below 55 years was 113.8 per 100,000 persons per year.
Several previous studies showed approximately 10% occurred in less than 55 years of age. Stroke at a young age has a very broad, and lead to a long illness burden for sufferers, families and communities. Incidence of stroke in young women ranges from 4.3 samapai 8.9 per 100 000 per year in the United States and Europe. The incidence increases with increasing age. Ischemic stroke without a significant risk factor in women aged 20-44 years is 0.9 per 100,000 per year.
Research Marini, et al (2001) in 4353 stroke patients, 89 of them aged under 45 CE (55 male and 34 female) (2%). The average age was 36.1 ± 8.1 years. Twenty patients (22.5%) with subarachnoid hemorrhage, 18 (20.2%) with intracerebral hemorrhage, and 51 (57.3%) with cerebral infarction. This proportion is slightly different from the patients aged> 45 years, subarachnoid hemorrhage was only found in 2.4% of patients. Imaging results showed that the intracranial aneurysm and arteriovenous malformation was found in 20 of 38 patients (52.6%). Figures for the incidence of stroke young age is 10.18 per 100,000 (95% CI8 0.14 to 12, 57). Research Nedeltchev, et al (2005) in 203 young stroke patients (16 to 45 years) indicates that there is a large artery atherosclerotic disease in 4% of cases, kardioembolisme at 24% of cases, small blood vessel disease 9%, other causes 30% and not unknown cause in 33% of cases.

There are a large variety of symptoms present with the onset of sunstroke. In the early stages, the skin will become both hot and dry. Sweating usually stops, and breathing becomes rapid enough to bring on hyperventilation.
The body’s temperature, along with the pulse, will begin to rise rapidly. Other symptoms include muscle cramps and headaches. There may also be some mental and verbal confusion. Speech may be unintelligible or incoherent, and violent behavior may appear.
As sunstroke becomes more severe, the sufferer may be prone to hallucinations. The body’s temperature will rise rapidly, and convulsions may occur. Finally, the sufferer will lose consciousness.

Sunstroke: Overexposure to heat or overexertion most common in old age or infancy but especially in the elderly, accompanied by convulsions, delusions, or coma. It is treated by cooling the body and replacing fluids and salts. (From Segen, Dictionary of Modern Medicine, 1992, p282)
Source: Diseases Database

Depending on the extremity of the condition, a stay in the hospital may be required. Body temperature will need to be lowered as soon as possible. Fluids and salt will need to be replaced, usually by an intravenous (IV) drip. A period of observation will also be necessary to monitor any temperature changes and to look for any complications that may occur.
Read more at http://www.wrongdiagnosis.com/medical/sunstroke.htm?ktrack=kcplink

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